In Inverno da Crescere Insieme le attività educativo-didattiche proseguono nell’esplorazione della realtà, osservando i cambiamenti stagionali che vedono la scoperta degli aspetti del mondo attraverso conversazioni, osservazioni, attività ludico-costruttive.
L’inverno è una stagione affascinante, vestita di freddo e di bianco.
Per aiutare il bambino a comprendere la stagionalità sotto tutti gli aspetti che la caratterizzano, vengono proposte diverse attività volte a rappresentare elementi tipici della stagione.
Ed ora vi presentiamo, attraverso questi video e queste graziose fotografie, le esperienze vissute dai bambini nella nostra scuola dell’infanzia “Crescere Insieme“.
In Inverno da Crescere Insieme...
Buona Visione
Buona Visione
Winter seanson takes place from December to March and is usually the coldest time of year: in some places, it brings freezing temperatures, snow, and ice with it.
This year, together with our children, we made our “WINTER WONDERLAND”:
we reproduced the snow by mixing flour and baking soda;
We built many soft snowmen, mixing shaving foam and vinyl glue; we also made snowflakes using cotton swabs…The children were very excited and had a lot of fun.
This year, together with our children, we made our “WINTER WONDERLAND”:
we reproduced the snow by mixing flour and baking soda;
We built many soft snowmen, mixing shaving foam and vinyl glue; we also made snowflakes using cotton swabs…The children were very excited and had a lot of fun.
The children also had their first experience of lightning a real fire in the garden: we placed charcoal and pieces of paper in a safe area and then we lit it using matches. The children cheered and warmed their hands, being careful not to get too close to the little fire!!
And now what can we do once we have warmed up and the fire has gone out? Let’s colour our faces with the ash of the charcoal just like the blackbirds in the story “I giorni della Merla”.
And now what can we do once we have warmed up and the fire has gone out? Let’s colour our faces with the ash of the charcoal just like the blackbirds in the story “I giorni della Merla”.
I giorni della Merla

Let’s warm our hands!

I bambini si preparano a realizzare le attività riguardanti il carnevale.
Parole d’ordine : Colore, allegria e fantasia.
Have fun!!